copyright 2014, Tamara Thomsen. All rights reserved.


Mo - Fr: 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Weekends: Closed

We're available by appointment! Call 608-441-2545, email us, or message us on facebook

PADI Underwater Videographer

Other than taking someone diving, there’s only one way to show someone the sounds, motion and dynamics of the underwater world: video.


During the classroom portion of this course students will learn various techniques and procedures unique to underwater videography, including the basics of video productions such as exposure, focus, shot types, moves, story lines, and shot sequencing.

Open Water Dives

In the open water portion of this class students will apply what they have learned in the classroom, and will produce, direct, and edit their very own underwater video.

Course Options

This course is typically offered on weekends.

Prerequisites and Requirements

Students must have the following for class:

  • PADI student folder on file
  • Diversions' Student Agreement on file
  • All knowledge reviews completed

Course Fees

Please contact us for the most current pricing.

Course Availability

Courses are offered on a regular basis and upon request. Please review our calendar and then contact us.

Copyright , Diversions Scuba, LLC. All rights reserved.